How to configure Linux mail server using Docker and Mailu

Debian Linux Mailu setup

If you are an experienced system administrator you may want to setup your own email server. Setting up a custom email server is a challenging task, but you gain a better understanding of how email works and its inner mechanism by completing it. In this tutorial, you will learn how to setup a full-featured Linux … Read more

How to protect Linux server from bots and hackers

Protecting GNU Linux server from bots and hackers

You’ve rented a server or VPS/VDS. Your fresh new remote machine is here and you want to login right now. So do hackers and bots. But how to secure your server? Let’s figure out. Prerequisite: trustworthy hosting provider First, ensure that your server is hosted by a reliable server provider. If you use shared hosting, … Read more

How to setup Gunicorn and Nginx for Django on Debian

Installing and configuring Gunicorn with Nginx on Debian

If you develop your project on Django, then you probably know that you need a web server like nginx to serve your static files: images, stylesheets and so on. While Django has its own ability to serve static files, you should use it only during development. In this guide you will learn how to install … Read more

How to install Django, MariaDB on Debian 11

Configuring django with MariaDB on Debian

In this tutorial, I will show you how to install Django, MariaDB on Debian 11 (codenamed Bullseye) from official repository. This tutorial also applies to all Debian-based distribution, for example, Ubuntu. We will use Debian 11 because it is one of the most popular GNU/Linux distributions and is a well supported operating system. Installing Python … Read more

What is MySQL?

What is MySQL?

MySQL is an open-source relational database management system (RDBMS). It is most commonly used to store, access, and modify data in a centralized database. A database is a collection of all the information stored on a computer, and MySQL is a database management system (DBMS) for databases. While MySQL is an RDBMS, it does not … Read more

Why choose Debian over Ubuntu for a server?

Debian vs Ubuntu for a server

As an experienced GNU/Linux system administrator, I’ve been recommending Debian to my colleagues as the go-to GNU/Linux distribution for servers. Ubuntu is an attractive alternative, and for small to medium-sized installations I like it a lot. However, I’m also an Ubuntu user and I still like Debian and feel comfortable working on servers running Debian. … Read more