How to configure Linux mail server using Docker and Mailu

Debian Linux Mailu setup

If you are an experienced system administrator you may want to setup your own email server. Setting up a custom email server is a challenging task, but you gain a better understanding of how email works and its inner mechanism by completing it. In this tutorial, you will learn how to setup a full-featured Linux … Read more

How to protect Linux server from bots and hackers

Protecting GNU Linux server from bots and hackers

You’ve rented a server or VPS/VDS. Your fresh new remote machine is here and you want to login right now. So do hackers and bots. But how to secure your server? Let’s figure out. Prerequisite: trustworthy hosting provider First, ensure that your server is hosted by a reliable server provider. If you use shared hosting, … Read more

How to fix BadLength (poly request too large) Xlib error

How to fix BadLength error

In some of Xorg Linux applications you might see the following error when you use certain Unicode characters, like “❔” (fancy question mark): The numbers can be different, but the error persists. Typically, it crashes the application. There are various solutions to this problem, but I found the most optimal one. You just need to … Read more

Should you upgrade Ubuntu?

When should you upgrade Ubuntu

A lot of users decide whether or not to upgrade Ubuntu Linux with a simple “Yes” or “No” answer. However, you don’t have to do that — you can find out for yourself whether the new version of Ubuntu is a good fit for you with the following questions: “Will this new version solve all … Read more

Is Kali Linux good for programming?

Is it Kali suitable for programming

Kali Linux is free and open source software used for penetration testing, ethical hacking, red teaming, network security and so on. What are the benefits of using Kali Linux for programming? Kali Linux is good for programming because it has many tools for working with the terminal, IDE and GUI. Kali Linux provides a large … Read more

Why is GNU/Linux better than Windows?

Why is GNU/Linux better than Windows?

The GNU/Linux Operating System is free and open-source and its source code is available to everyone. There is no central authority telling you what you can do and what you can’t do, so it is more secure than Windows. Since Linux is available to everyone, more people are building and contributing to the software. Another … Read more