Install OpenJDK, Android command line tools and Android SDK on Ubuntu

Installing OpenJDK with Android SDK and tools

If you want to develop an Android application or game, it’s essential to have Java Development Kit (JDK), Android command line tools, and the SDK. With utilities like keytool, you can generate app signing keys, with, adb debug the application on a real device, with sdkmanager you can install Android SDKs and so on. In … Read more

Does Java have a future?

Is Java dying in 2022?

Java has been around for more than 25 years now. Although it is still widely used, a growing number of Java developers are already questioning whether or not Java is still popular. For those who are unfamiliar with Java, it is a computer programming language that runs programs on various devices and platforms, which is … Read more

Should you learn Java or Kotlin?

What should you learn - Java or Kotlin?

The Kotlin popularity as a Java alternative is growing. Do you want to see what this popular language offers to programmers? Or is Java already a good option for you? The Java vs Kotlin comparison below highlights the differences between the two languages. The Kotlin Programming Language is a general-purpose programming language which means that … Read more