Install OpenJDK, Android command line tools and Android SDK on Ubuntu

Installing OpenJDK with Android SDK and tools

If you want to develop an Android application or game, it’s essential to have Java Development Kit (JDK), Android command line tools, and the SDK. With utilities like keytool, you can generate app signing keys, with, adb debug the application on a real device, with sdkmanager you can install Android SDKs and so on. In … Read more

How to configure Linux mail server using Docker and Mailu

Debian Linux Mailu setup

If you are an experienced system administrator you may want to setup your own email server. Setting up a custom email server is a challenging task, but you gain a better understanding of how email works and its inner mechanism by completing it. In this tutorial, you will learn how to setup a full-featured Linux … Read more

Is Golang dying in 2022?

Is GO dead in 2022?

When released, Go brought a huge boost to the web development and software engineering community, and it has a number of advantages over other web programming languages such as Python and NodeJS. Recently I read that some people argue that Go popularity decreases. But is Go really dying? What is Go? Go is a general-purpose, … Read more

How to protect Linux server from bots and hackers

Protecting GNU Linux server from bots and hackers

You’ve rented a server or VPS/VDS. Your fresh new remote machine is here and you want to login right now. So do hackers and bots. But how to secure your server? Let’s figure out. Prerequisite: trustworthy hosting provider First, ensure that your server is hosted by a reliable server provider. If you use shared hosting, … Read more

Configuring Django app settings for production environment

Make Django settings secure

If you are running a Django project in a production environment then you have to take care of the way you manage your file. Most developers have one settings file for development and one for production. In this tutorial I will show you how to make your settings file meet production environment requirements. Is … Read more

How to use MySQL/MariaDB with Python, tutorial

How to use MySQL in Python

MySQL is the most popular open-source database management system. Today we will look at the usage of MySQL in Python via module mysql-connector-python also known as mysql.connector. Requirements Before you start, make sure you have the following: Basic Python 3 knowledge. Python and Pip installed. If not, run this command (for Debian and Ubuntu):sudo apt … Read more