C++ vs Rust, the difference

Difference between C++ and Rust

I’ve been doing some personal projects that involve programming in C++ for a while now. I’ve been using Rust for the last year to program in the safe and concurrent language. As far as I’ve experienced, Rust is an excellent language. I love it and want to use it for more things. It made me … Read more

What is MySQL?

What is MySQL?

MySQL is an open-source relational database management system (RDBMS). It is most commonly used to store, access, and modify data in a centralized database. A database is a collection of all the information stored on a computer, and MySQL is a database management system (DBMS) for databases. While MySQL is an RDBMS, it does not … Read more

Why is GNU/Linux better than Windows?

Why is GNU/Linux better than Windows?

The GNU/Linux Operating System is free and open-source and its source code is available to everyone. There is no central authority telling you what you can do and what you can’t do, so it is more secure than Windows. Since Linux is available to everyone, more people are building and contributing to the software. Another … Read more

Why choose Debian over Ubuntu for a server?

Debian vs Ubuntu for a server

As an experienced GNU/Linux system administrator, I’ve been recommending Debian to my colleagues as the go-to GNU/Linux distribution for servers. Ubuntu is an attractive alternative, and for small to medium-sized installations I like it a lot. However, I’m also an Ubuntu user and I still like Debian and feel comfortable working on servers running Debian. … Read more

Why should you learn Python?

Learn Python

Python is a dynamic programming language which is highly popular in the programming world. It is usually called as the ‘programming language for the 21st century’. In this article, we will discuss why should one learn Python? It is one of the important skill that is needed for the programming world. If one can write … Read more

Python vs Ruby, the comparison

Python vs Ruby

In this article, I am going to try to answer the question: what are the advantages and disadvantages of the two predominant programming languages, Python vs Ruby. For the purposes of this article, we will be talking only about the programming languages per se and won’t be making any distinctions about their frameworks, programming environments, … Read more

Why is Python so popular?

Why Python is so popular?

Why do programmers love Python? This blog will show why you should choose Python when you’re starting your career in tech. How I learned Python I first became interested in programming in Python, when my uncle asked me to make a chat bot. I had never used any machine learning, and so I asked him … Read more